
Do exactly what you feel inside.

Left Paris in August 2007 in hunt of new "thrills"...direction...Montreal !
2 courageous winters after, I decided to trade the cold nights of Montreal for some sunny days. The reality was that I was obsessed by my ideal of cocooning in paradise, it was hunting me more than ever and I was desperate to feel it- again.
My heart was telling me to go. Afraid to disappoint myself if I stayed, I packed my bag.

"Resource. Let the dream be. Wake up in Sao Paulo, enjoy the excitement of the life to live! "

I can't regret those 3 months backpacking along the Brazilian coast. They are true symbol of exploration: the foundation of any dream.

Whatever my heart would say I did. This time it was calling, San Francisco.
Love, brought me here. Windy sunshine or rainy fog, this city can't decide. I, personally did not hesitate...and I Iike to think I'm finding here a mix of all the cities I came from...

I choose to believe in my dreams and all the promises of achieving and sharing my own happiness, empowered by Love.
All You want to do is still ahead, waiting for you to love and live this "it will be alright", in the moment.
I followed my dream. It took me to San Francisco.
I listened to my heart. It told me to give it a try and see what the city had to offer.
This is real : We all have A dream and no one can teach you how to dream. Your dream is yours. Just Do exactly what you "fill" inside. When you can.
If becoming a fashion designer and having my own store is my dream I can only keep it real, more real and fulfilling everyday, by doing the best I can to share it with others.


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