
Playlist + Poem = Playpoem

Red Blood,
I though I was an Alien.
If you just make love to me, In the grace of your Love: I'm ready.
I wanna be with you again.
I've been thinking San Dimas oasis. Too late, too far ?
Deadbeat Summer, Guys eyes, House of cards...
Nevertheless...New Loved ones! 

This poem was written based on a playlist, you can listen to the playlist here: Playpoem- Red Blood

I'm always inspired by music ( who isnt?) but I wanted to share the music I love, that makes me happy (or happysad!) not in an usual way by a simple "copy and paste"...
"Red Blood" is the very first poem of a long series of poems based on playlists I will create. I will call them "Playpoem" and they will be published monthly, at least !

Voila ma recette: 
- Pick your favorite songs of the moment, make sure they really talk to you and go well together.
- Create a playlist, mix your song together and listen to them as much as possible, repeat mode is necessary.
- Let it stand for 2 days.
- Take attention to the titles individualy-only now you can focus on the titles' senses.
- Start to pair, mix and match the titles together to create short sentenses.
- Add punctuation marks to your liking...
Bonne appetit!
Now you can Listen and/or Read it all, or Save it for tomorrow. You have Options. 

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