
Au pres de mon arbre je vivais heureux- I was happy next to my tree

When I first encountered my shop location- 101 Pierce Street- right in the Lower Haight, one of the many reasons why I felt in love with the location- was the fact that it was a litlle corner store, a bit hidden from busy Haight Street, with two gorgeous windows!  One facing Pierce  Street and the other one facing Waller Street. Yes, I found the windows great : not for all the beautiful pieces I could display in, but cause I could see, right from my desk, wonderful green leaves and birds swinging by their home sweet home- inside the Trees!
The trees were inspiring and the first time I sat by my desk it felt like being in a tree house. I could even hear the birds singing! Heaven!  They gave a cozy and welcoming atmosphere to the shop and because they were close enough to each other, they were kind of making a nice natural arch. Unfortunately, this whimsical setting will no longer be in front of Aline's Closet from today...

Both trees has to be cut down because the city has diagnosticed them sick, about five months ago.
By the city request, Lemon DeGoerge Tree Care (a company that cut trees owned by super friendly Lemon !) came by the shop today and cut dowm "Waller" tree. To be honest, I felt a bit "naked", suddenly so exposed! I realised this tree was a real natural curtain- Now I can see everyone coming from Duboce park and I guess everyone can see me too!

Around June 2010,  " Waller " started to loose its leaves. I though it was just its time of the year to loose and regrow leaves later on...but the leaves never came back and exactly a year after the same thing happened to the other tree on Pierce Street...something was obviously not going well and a lot of people stopped by the shop to ask me about it..For me, they looks really old and dry,  it's just maybe their time...I guess trees can get really old, sick and then die, just like us. 
The thing is that for trees, if We don't cut Them before they die, they can loose their branches and eventually fall...needless to describe it can be dangerous...I'm happy when I think they will be sent out to Green Waste and turned into fertilizer.

"Pierce" is  scheduled to be cut down tomorrow morning.
It's always sad to see a tree cut..You should stop by right after!!  Aline's Closet will be open: first day with no trees around/  Friday November 18th 2011/Noon to 7pm :)

If what people say is right, if  it  really "opens up " the visibility of the store, then I'm happy to  get more exposure and "sunlight"! I'm not sure if the city is planting back new trees, but I pray "something great" will replace them. Something birds and butterflies like to hang out by...


Skype me, Google me, Yelp me, Like me! Not necessarily in that order...

Aline 08:05 
hey Jean Pascal, I'll be on TV in the US today!

Jean Pascal 08:05 
ah ouaiii !!!?? / hooo for real  !!!??
raconte!/ tell me!

Aline 08:05 
dommage que tu sois en Inde et que tu ne puisses pas me voir a la télé.../ Too bad you're in India and that you won't be able to see me on TV...

jai ete interviewe par une chaine et une radio cette semaine sur l'ampleur de ma boutique et mon expérience dans la mode/ I've been interviewed this week by a radio and a TV about the extent of my shop and my experience in fashion

Jean Pascal 08:06 
oph cool/ oohhh cool
montres-moi ta boutique/ show me your shop

Aline 08:06 
hey, you should follow me on my facebook page!

Jean Pascal 08:06 
envoi/ send it out
jai pas facebook au fait.../ I do not have facebook by the way...

Aline 08:07 
ok- look for aline's closet in google.
im in bed...jaurai mis la camera si jetais a ma boutique./ In my bed...I would have put the camera on if I was at the shop

Aline 08:10
Envoi de fichier à Jean Pascal. / Sending file to Jean Pascal. 08:10
1,2 Mo

Aline 08:11
Envoi de fichier à  Jean Pascal./Sending file to Jean Pascal. 08:11
1,1 Mo
Transfert terminé à Jean Pascal/ Download completed to Jean Pascal

Aline 08:11 
outside and inside view

Jean Pascal 08:12 
c'est situe ou ?/ where is it located ?
envoi ta facebook page/ send me your facebook page

Aline 08:12 
at least now, you'll have a a good reason to be on facebook...


Upcoming Broadcasts! Listen to the Radio and watch TV !

Today I'll be the guest of Daniel Everett, the host of the KUSF legal advice show “Folk Law” . I'll be taped and video-recorded at the KUSF studio in San Francisco, as there will be a Radio + Television version of my interview!
Needless to say -Next week everyone should listen to the Radio and Watch TV ! 
I'll be updating you with more info on the exact day and time of my 30 mins on air talking about Aline's Closet: my one and only "Fashion based business Love story" in San Francisco. Stay tuned! xoxo